health and nutrition Feb 03, 2022


How, when and what we eat, has a huge impact on how well our bodies will perform at any time, but most importantly under pressure. It is easy to begin to neglect quality food when you are focusing all your time, energy and resources on becoming successful.

Purchasing cheap junk food might be convenient now, but you are not looking ahead to the disaster coming your way. A large percentage of the illnesses we face are in fact nutritional disorders that could have been prevented if we paid more attention to our food and things we eat. 

Majority of people eat for taste rather than for health! No wonder our bodies are inflame and swelling up under the pressure of junk, fried and sugar laden food.

Nutritious food helps our bodies to grow, gives us energy and helps our bodies to repair and heal itself. In order for our bodies to function at optimal level and not burn out, we will need to eat the right amount of nutrients from various food categories.

But there is no need to become anxious about your diet and make any hasty decisions. Here are a few of many ways to make eating healthy a lot easier. 

  • Avoid foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar 
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid overly processed foods 
  • Learn to read food labels before you buy or eat 
  • Include food from each food group in your meals 
  • Drink more water and less carbonated or sugar laden beverages 
  • Don’t skip meals 
  • Replace your snacks with healthy options like fresh fruits and nuts 
  • Never try to replace meals with dietary supplements or fake food