mindset and goals Feb 03, 2022

According  to survey, the top three resolution for 2021 was exercise more, lose weight and save money.  If you are like most people, you have your New Year Resolution written down too. While this is the practice for many people to want to achieve certain things in the new year,  research shows that only 9% of people actually accomplish their resolution by the end of the year. Why do people fail to accomplish their new year resolution? There are many reasons why you may fail your new year resolution.

  • Some new year resolution is destined to fail because they are not realistic. This means that it was just a wishful thinking rather than a heart burning goal or desire. It might also be unattainable due to the complexity and unrealistic set time frame for the resolution to be accomplished.
  • Certain new year resolution also failed because is never given a top priority. Whenever a new year resolution is at the top a person’s priority list, it become more attainable.
  • Lack of accountability is another reason a new year resolution will fail as soon as it starts. Having someone like a coach guiding, teaching how to achieve the resolution as well as helping with accountability makes attaining your new year resolution easy and failproof.

According to Finder.com, the top or number one on American New Year Resolution is “Health”, number one priority in life. This is not surprising because without great health, it is impossible to enjoy good food, function well, work, make money, enjoy life and family or friends!

As we start the new year, I will be writing series of blog posts to help you start this new year right!  I want you to have the help you need to accomplish your Health, Wellness and Weight Loss resolution for new year. 

Health and Mindset wellness have the tool you need to get the help and the accountability you need to accomplish your health, wellness and weight loss goal. Book a free 45 minutes breakthrough session with me.